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Riding ATV's in the Park at Clarkfield Cardinal Days

John Langaas

After a weekend packed with shows and a relaxing week off, we were back at it again in Clarkfield, Minnesota. Clarkfield is a small town in southwest Minnesota that has plenty of spirit and loves watching ATVs flying 75 feet through the air. We started the Saturday with a short drive and then set up the ramps next to the football and soccer fields. I had never ridden an ATV off a ramp in a park before, but then again it was only my second show riding on the tour.

Since the show wasn’t very far away and it was only ATVs riding at the show, we were able to arrive plenty early and take our time setting up only the ramps needed for the ATVs. After we set up I was very eager to practice because it was my first day jumping 75 feet to the mobile landing. Derek and I got all geared up and I followed Derek off the ramp and landed perfectly! Once I got that first jump out of the way, I could practice throwing down some tricks. Since we were doing the show for the Clarkfield Cardinal Days there were some other events going on throughout the day, and while we were having our practice session the parade was going on right across the park from us! Although it may not be obvious, the parade looked even better flying through the air while 30 feet off the ground.

We were scheduled to do two different shows at 1 o’clock and 2 o’clock, and since we did not have an emcee due to X-Games weekend, Derek had to take over the mic for the first part of the show while Adam and I entertained the crowd. I was not able to hear Derek very much but from the crowd reactions it seemed like he was entertaining the crowd just as much as me and Adam. The first show went great and afterwards we were signing autographs right up until the next show started!

The format for the second show was a little different, with Adam and Derek doing a Kiss of Death contest and then Adam and I jumping the ramp while a few people tried to hit us with tennis balls and frisbees. It was all going great until Adam had a hard landing and snapped his front right shock shaft! The last time I had saw I shock snap in half I had also broken my ankle, but being the beast that he is, Adam was just fine. Since he was not able to ride anymore, Derek and I had to finish out the second show by ourselves.

Even though this past weekend only contained one show, it was a fun one to be at and the crowd loved it! It was nice to not be traveling across states as well for a change.

This coming weekend we will be performing at the Olmsted County Fair in Rochester, Minnesota and the Anoka County Fair in Anoka, Minnesota. From what I have heard from the crew, these shows are going to be some of the best ones on tour and I am excited to be a part of it!

I also made my first newspaper for the Big Air Tour! Check it out!

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