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Road Trip Across Country to New Jersey!

John Langaas - The Intern

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

This past weekend the ATV Big Air Tour traveled out to Augusta, New Jersey for the New Jersey State Fair and it was most definitely a wild ride. The show was scheduled for Saturday night and we left Minnesota on Wednesday. It was decided we would leave a little early this year in order to have time to rest and fix either of the rigs if we ran into problems and it ended up being a great decision. The first day of the trip we were able to stop in Lacrosse at the Root River Racing shop and go to see some really cool cars, trucks and ATVS. The first day of the trip we made it just past Chicago even after a quick detour and wrong turn in the heart of Chicago. The second day of driving the plan was to stop in Pennsylvania, but we were stopped just a few miles short of the border in Ohio after a Turbo hose slipped off of our F-350. Thanks to some great friends we were able to get it fixed that night and we were ready to finish the rest of the trip the next day.

The Crew with Rich & Jim from Root River Racing

Driving through Pennsylvania was a wild ride for sure. At some points we were only able to go about 45mph up some hills and at one point it started raining so hard we could barely see the vehicles in front of us. Even when we arrived at the fairgrounds in New Jersey we only had a couple minutes to park the rigs before even more rain was about to come. That night it rained about 3 inches and in the morning when we got to the fair the area we were supposed to ride in was completely covered with water and mud. Luckily the fair board was able to clear the mud out and make a place for us to ride in so we could at least do the night show at 7:30 P.M.

Due to the small set up that we had to ride in because of the rain, the BMX riders were jumping very close to the moto ramp and the moto riders had a sharp corner to turn around in to ride into the moto ramp. Once I got used to the set up the show went awesome! The BMX guys were throwing down some gnarly tricks and the moto guys had some extended tricks. The autograph line at this show was especially interesting because I had never been able to meet so many people from New Jersey. This event was truly a special one for a number of reasons, but more than anything I am pumped that I can now say that I have ridden my ATV in New Jersey!

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